Theories and Fundamentals of Education

The line 3 of PPGED-So is dedicated to studies and researches on educational theories and ontological, epistemological and axiological fundamentals of the educational praxis in its multiple historical contributions. The objective of this research line is to promote reflection and create conditions for the production of knowledge about both school (in different levels and modalities of teaching) and non-school educational phenomenon, in order to identify their principles, purposes, methods, contradictions, limits and possibilities, in permanent dialogue with the sciences of education. In its investigative dynamics, line 3 will approach the following themes: fundamentals of education; theories of education; ontology and education; epistemology and education; ethics, moral and education; politics and education; culture and education.


  • Prof. Dr. Antonio Fernando Gouvêa da Silva

  • Prof. Dr. Juliana Rezende Torres

  • Prof. Dr. Kátia Regina Moreno Caiado

  • Prof. Dr. Marcos Francisco Martins

  • Prof. Dr. Maria José Fontana Gebara

  • Prof. Dr. Paulo Gomes Lima

  • Prof. Dr. Sílvio César Moral Marques

 Study and research groups

  • GEPLAGE – (Portuguese acronym for Group of Studies and Research on State, Politics, Planning, Evaluation and Managing of Education)

  • GPTeFE - (Portuguese acronym for the research group Theories and Fundamentals of Education)

  • NEPEDE-EEs - GPTeFE - (Portuguese acronym for Center of Studies and Research on Right to Education – Special Education)

  • Study Group Paulo Freire

  • Research and Science Teaching Integration Group

Course objectives

The objectives and the research lines of PPGEd aim at graduating 3 (three) different (although articulated) profiles, which are:

Researcher in the educaton field.
Teacher with expertise for working in university level, in particular, as well as in other levels of teaching.
Educator with expertise for working in non-school education environments.